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Faith In Faithlessness: An Anthology of Atheism
Dimitrios Roussopoulos

Black Rose Books

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Faith In Faithlessness: An Anthology of Atheism

Dimitrios Roussopoulos



Coming soon!

With the rise of religious fundamentalism worldwide and a new 'spiritualism' in North America, expressed disbelief in God or gods has become a taboo once again in the Anglo-American world. In the last few years, however, atheism has witnessed a resurgence. 

Faith in Faithlessness is intended to contribute to the reassertion of the legitimacy of godlessness as a philosophical and moral stance. It is a unique anthology that presents a comprehensive selection of writings by some of the world's most celebrated thinkers, past and present, who eloquently address the most significant questions concerning religious belief. It asks freethinkers to declare their atheism in defiance of the stigmatization of disbelief, and to rethink the religious ideologies that permeate culture and politics in North America. 

Included are essays by Benedict de Spinoza, Diderot, Paul-Henry Thiry D'Holbach, David Hume, Thomas Paine, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Stuart Mill, George Elliot, W.E.H. Lecky, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Charles Bradlaugh, Anatole France, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert G. Ingersoll, Ludwig Feuerbach, Michael Bakunin, Karl Marx, Emma Goldman, H.L. Mencken, Clarence Darrow, Carl Van Doren, Bertrand Russell, Sigmund Freud, Albert Camus, Albert Einstein, Francis Crick, Gore Vidal, Kai Nielsen, Christine Overall, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Michel Onfray, Elizabeth Second Anderson, Tariq Ali, Salman Rushdie, Kurt Vonnegut. Also included are other celebrity atheists and a major resource guide.

Dimitrios Roussopoulos is a community organizer, writer, and public speaker who has lectured widely on urban issues. From the 1960s to the present he has been active in the disarmament and anti-war movement, urban ecology, and the cooperative economy. Roussopoulos has published 15 books, some translated into several languages.

Table of Contents




1. Theologico-Political Treatise - Benedict de Spinoza
2. Thoughts on Religion - Denis Diderot
3. The System of Nature - Paul-Henry Thiry, Baron d'Holbach
4. The Natural History of Religion - David Hume
5. The Age of Reason - Thomas Paine
6. A Refutation of Deism - Percy Bysshe Shelley
7. Immortality - John Stuart Mill
8. Evangelical Teaching - George Eliot
9. The Spirit of Rationalism in Europe - W.E.H. Lecky
10. The Christian Church and Women - Elizabeth Cady Stanton
11. Humanity's Gain from Unbelief - Charles Bradlaugh
12. Miracle - Anatole France
13. Autobiography - Charles Darwin
14. The Antichrist - Friedrich Nietzsche
15. God and the Constitution - Robert G. Ingersoll
16. The Essence of Religion in General - Ludwig Feuerbach
17. God and the State - Michael Bakunin
18. Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right - Karl Marx


19. The Philosophy of Atheism - Emma Goldman
20. On the Scopes Trial - H.L. Mencken
21. The Lord's Day Alliance - Clarence Darrow
22. Why I Am an Unbeliever - Clarence Darrow
23. Is There a God? - Bertrand Russell
24. The Claims of Theology - A.J. Ayer
25. The UNbelievers and the Christians - Albert Camus
26. Science and Religion - Albert Einstein


27. Monotheism and Its Discontents - Gore Vidal
28. How Is Atheism to Be Characterized? - Kai Nielsen
29. Atheism - Christine Overall
30. The Atheist Manifesto - Sam Harris
31. Why There Almost Certainly Is No God - Richard Dawkins
32. Religion as an Original Sin - Christopher Hitchens
33. In the Service of the Death Fixation - Michel Onfray
34. Thank Goodness! - Daniel C. Dennett
35. For the Love of Reason - Louise M. Anthony
36. If God Is Dead, Is Everything Permitted? - Elizabeth Second Anderson
37. An Atheist Childhood - Tariq Ali
A Rapper's Song - Greydon Square
38. Humanism and the Territory of Novelists - Salman Rushdie
39. Why My Dog Is Not a Humanist - Kurt Vonnegut

EPILOGUE: A New Enlightenment: The Second Wave - Dimitrios Roussopoulos


RESOURCE GUIDE from the Website of Richard Dawkins


Celebrity quotes throughout, including from George Bernard Shaw, Voltaire, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Aldous Huxley, Tennessee Williams, Charles Bukowski, Jean-Paul Sartre, Noam Chomsky, Sigmund Freud, Ingmar Bergman, Katharine Hepburn, John Malkovich, Robert Altman, Jodie Foster, Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie, Jack Nicholson, Howard Stern, Isaac Asimov, Woody Allen, Richard Leakey, James Watson, Jean Roddenberry, Gloria Steinem.

2008; 224 pages

Faith in Faithlessness Retail Prices

978-1-55164-312-0 $19.99
978-1-5516-4313-7 $48.99