Quebec and Radical Social Change
ed. Dimitrios Roussopoulos
The 1960s marked the rise of a powerful and reformulated nationalism in Quebec, characterized by a deep sense of identity and widespread frustration, especially among the younger generation. This fervor gave birth to a large nationalist movement, encompassing a diverse spectrum of ideologies from left to right. Simultaneous to the rise of Quebec separatism, a growing Marxist movement emerged, fostering a development of class-consciousness and labour welfare in the province. This culminated in a massive mobilization in 1972, where 350,000 workers went on strike, showcasing an unprecedented wave of socio-political activism in Quebec.
This book is the fourth in a series compiling exceptional articles from the radical quarterly journal, Our Generation, selected by the journal's founding editor, Dimitrios Roussopoulos. Founded in 1961, Our Generation significantly contributed to the social study of Quebec until its final publication in 1991. The articles selected for this volume address major currents of thought and action in Quebec from the mid-1960s until this book's publication in 1974. Quebec and Radical Social Change offers a glimpse into the transformative era of the 1960s and 1970s, acting as a historical document that speaks to present times.
Dimitrios Roussopoulos is a community organizer, writer, and public speaker who has lectured widely on urban issues, specifically relating to Montreal, Quebec, and Canada. From the 1960s to the present he has been active in the disarmament and anti-war movement, urban ecology, and the cooperative economy. Roussopoulos has published 15 books and numerous essays, some translated into several languages.
Table of Contents
- Introduction: Historical Background of Modern Québec by Ed Smith
- Editorial on Québec/1966 by the Editors of Our Generation
- Social Classes in Québec by Mario Dumais
- The Press and De Gaulle by Evelyn Dumas
- De Gaulle and the Future of Québec by B. Roy Lemoine
- Québec and the Intellectuals by André Cardinal
- Student Social Action by Jean Laliberté
- Union Générale des Etudiants du Québec by Robert Favreau
- The Youth Vote by Pierre Guimond
- The C.E.G.E.P. General Strike by Adele Lauzon
- Labour and the Quebec Elections / 1973 by Arnold Bennett
- Poems by Saint-Denys-Garneau, Gilles Vigneault, Paul Chamberland
- Recent Elections in Québec / 1966 and 1970 by B. Roy Lemoine
- Pierre Vallieres and Québec Politic by Henry Milner
- Social Classes and Nationalism by Dimitrios Roussopoulos
- Social Problems, Structural Contradictions, and Government Policies by Helene David and Lois Maben
1974; 216 pages
Quebec and Radical Social Change Retail Prices
9780919618510 $15.99
Hardcover: *Does not come with dust jacket
9780919618527 $34.99